Farfetch International Delivery Information
Do Farfetch deliver to you?
To check whether Farfetch delivers to the country you want, select your delivery country here:
Delivery costs will vary depending on the service selected, where your item is coming from and its destination. Express delivery is available for the majority of destinations. Same Day, F90 and Standard delivery are available in selected countries. When you're placing your order, the available delivery options for your destination will be displayed at checkout.
If you’re placing your order from the locations below and it’s above the following thresholds, we offer free standard delivery.
United Kingdom: GBP £400 (full price and sale)
United States: USD $200 (full price and sale)
China Mainland: CNY ¥2500 (full price and sale)
Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR: HKD $3000 (full price and sale)
Taiwan Region: TWD $10000 (full price and sale)
CIS countries: USD $430 (full price only)
If you're placing your order from the locations below and it's above the following threshold, we also offer a lower express delivery fee. In checkout, you'll see the lowest delivery price available for the items in your order.
United States: USD $200
Australia: AUD $300
China Mainland: CNY ¥1500
Hong Kong SAR: HKD $2000
Japan: JPY ¥28000
Republic of Korea: KRW ₩280000
Macau SAR: USD $150